Holy Family Prayer

Holy Family Prayer

Holy Family Prayer

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the patrons of our school, we praise Thee. Jesus, the light of the world, enlighten our minds, grant us the true wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Mary, Mother most pure, imbibe in us, your virtues of purity and humility. St. Joseph, the protector of the Holy Family, instill in us the spirit of sincerity and hard work. Enable us to be loyal and genuine in all that we do. Thus we may become true messengers of love, truth and peace in our families, in our school, in our society and the world at large. St. Mariam Thresia and Venerable Fr. Joseph Vithayathil, pray for us.

Mercy Prayer

Holy God, Holy mighty one, Holy immortal one, have mercy on us, on our school and on the whole world.

Other Prayers

  1. O God, who is the Truth and Love, the origin of knowledge, bless our studies which we offer you. Enlighten our minds, strengthen our memories, and direct our will towards what is right. Grant us the grace to seek truth always, and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Make us truly wise.
  2. Our Father in heaven, holy be your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread, forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us, do not bring us to the test, but deliver us from evil.