Admission and Withdrawal

Admission and Withdrawal

A. Admission

  1. Boys and girls are admitted to NUR between the age of 3 years and 6 months an admission interaction will be conducted with both parents and the candidate while submitting the forms.
  2. Students seeking admission to any other class are to follow the same as in (1) on the date fixed by the Principal.
  3. The registration form for admission should be filled up before the interaction.
  4. Guardians are asked to fill in the admission forms with utmost accuracy.
Holy Family School, Kathouni (Bhagalpur)

Admission and Withdrawal

Holy Family School, Kathouni (Bhagalpur)
  1. Any student who has attended other school previously cannot be given admission without a Transfer Certificate and Conduct Character Certificate and also has to submit a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner.
  2. Upon publications of the result of admission interactions candidate has to take admission by paying all the preliminary fees.
  3. Parents are reminded that the name and date of birth of the child, registered as that given at the time of admission cannot be changed later.

B. Withdrawal & Dismissal

  1. Before withdrawal of a student from the school, a month's notice is to be given or a month's fee in lieu of notice.
  2. No school leaving certificate will be issued unless all dues to the school has been cleared and a written application from the parent or guardian is submitted.
  3. Any pupil failing two years in succession in the same class or failing twice in the two consecutive years will be struck off rolls and transfer certificate will be granted on request.
  4. Repeated absence without leave or unexpected absence for fifteen days and more renders a pupil liable to dismissal.
  5. The school reserves to itself the right to dismiss students whose academic performance is steadily unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students. Grave insubordination or contempt of authority justifies always immediate dismissal.
  6. Notwithstanding anything in the prospectus, the Principal may at her absolute discretion require any parent any time to take his ward out of the school.
  7. Repeated absence for feasts, wedding etc. renders the student liable for dismissal.
  8. Anyone who resorts to unfair means in the examinations will be dismissed instantly.
  9. Students found guilty of stealing, tearing out pages or otherwise defacing library books or magazines will be dismissed from the school.